Saturday, August 10, 2013


I heart Coffee. because the aroma of it can swipe away my sadness, swipe away my excitement and give me calmness. I dont know how many cups have I drank this morning. But why does tear still running down like nobody else business.
Stomach playing its songs and rhythms but the nerve aint working. Doesnt feel the hungriness.
lets just bury myself with notes, with assignments, with sadness, with pain, and with tears..


=) 人有时候就是犯贱。
下雨的时候 嫌衣服晒不干。
太阳晒的时候 嫌热没下雨。
有车嫌塞车 没车嫌麻烦。
没工嫌闷 有工嫌累。
房大嫌难收拾 房小嫌难住宿。

搔你手 只因为喜欢你为了阻止我而握紧我的手。
作弄你 只因为喜欢看你扒扒头那可爱样。
搔你痒 只因为喜欢你笑笑的把我抱紧。
抱抱你 只因为我非常需要你的拥抱。
没事时看你 是想看你有没有在看我。

唉~~ 人啊 干嘛没事找气受。